Nixxie & jotsi <3
Nytt tag..?
Ny dag......igen....söndag - HATAR.
Igår fick jag en present av en personal.
Detta var innan dom senaste inläggen..
Sen har jag en fråga till er 'anonyma' som inte vågar visa er...
Systerkärlek på hög nivå!! <3
Jag kan inte sova.. Och sitter och är FÖRBANNAD på i princip ALLT.
Jag är väldigt orolig för em..hon har inte svarat sen dess..är rädd att hon gjort något väldigt dumt.
Samma sega sörja utan slut. Baby, allt ser hopplöst, dystert ut.
Ni IDIOTER (ni som är anonyma), (ni vågar ju för fasen inte ens visa vem ni är!!) som kommenterade förra inlägget..till er kan jag säga att jo, så var det.
Min bibel: Mattillåtet
Jag lär mig mkt av den. Och hjälper även andra med den boken i bakhuvet.
Jag är så otroligt trött på allt, ALLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My life with Anorexia Nervosa
My life with Anorexia Nervosa
It started when I was 10 years old.
I was a happy girl, with a lot of friends..
And then I got sick.
I started to purge after every meal, and got thinner and thinner.
After a while I did'nt eat much at all.
I got even sicker. THINNER.
And then they put me into hospital.
I was so ill, so sick. I could'nt even turn myself around in the bed,
I was to thin, it hurted so much. They put me into a wheelchair.
I was NOT alloud to even stand up.
My muscles, bones, skin - everything, hurted so extreamly much.
I did'nt see my disease. I thought I was fat.
I mother sat in a chair beside my bed and crying,
and I was just screaming "I wanna die! Please someone, just kill me now"
Then, one day... My heart stop beating! I died,
but the machines take me back to life.
I was having a heartattack. My heart stopped beating.
Anorexia Nervosa is a very dangerous disease.
It could take your life. Like it did mine.
I got better and better when they helped me.
Suddenly, after a looong work time, I started to drink 'food drinks'
and got better. Then, when I have get up weight and could,
actually stand up on my own. I was walking around, with my thin thin legs.
I started eating carrots, apples and such, and yoghurt.
I got better, and when I was on the line on
my weight to bee free from the hospital, I really was climbing..
Then they let me out, and I was happy..
..because I had allready planned how I should do to loose my weight again.
I was so sick.
It take'd a feew weeks, and then I
was back put in the hospital, with tubes and all the stuff.
They said to me that I was an incurable patient...and that
I was gonna live my life with Anorexia Nervosa, the rest of my life.
But, did I have a life?
I was only coming back to hospital for years....
And THEN....I actually got better!
I started to eat a little bit. I was still very thin and skinny,
but I actually ate!
Soon I gein up weight more and more,
and started to look like a person again.
I was out in the world again!
But I was so scared. I thought everybody looked at me..
Then I supposed that I was fat again. And I started to starve myself,
Anorexia Nervosa, again. Hospital, hospital...
I starved myself almose to death, again.
I will always live my life with Anorexia Nervosa.